Set Up Email on Android Phones

In this page you will learn how to set up your Campbellsville University email on Android phones.

Set Up Email on Android Phones

  1. Tap Settings > Accounts > Add account > Exchange.
    Screenshot of the settings of an Android phone with the accounts option highlighted
  2. Type your full email address, for example
    If you are a student type in your email.
    If you are an employee type in your email.
  3. If you only want your email account to sync to your phone, tap Next and follow the rest of the prompts.
  4. However, if you want other sync options, such as syncing your calendar and contacts as well, select Manual setup and follow the steps below.
  5. On the type of account page, select Exchange > Next.
  6. Type your password and select Next.
  7. On the "Incoming Server" settings page set the following:
    • Domain\Username
      Make sure your full email address appears.
    • Password
      Use the password that you use to access your account.
    • Server name
      Make sure appears.
    • Port
      Use 443 or 993.
    • Security type
      Select SSL/TLS or make sure the Use secure connection (SSL) check box is checked, then tap Next.
  8. On Account options, change or accept the default sync settings, and then select Next.
  9. Name your account if you want and then select Next.